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Change URL

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi I am new to the software so plse bear with me. I loaded Lussamo onto my webserver the other day, I stored it in a folder called test. To access the forum I had to click on I want to be able to move so that it can be accesed from for example. What is the best way to go about this? Thanks in advance lennyandkarl


  • This post details the process:
  • You can copy everything in the new folder, and change all the url and path settings in conf/settings.php.

    The other way it is to copy everything, delete conf/settings.php and to reinstall with the upgrade method, you keep your users, categories and articles but you loose your settings.

    I would use the first method if I was just moving the forum on the server, and use the other method if I was moving the forum on an other server.
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