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[Extension] WeightedWords 1.1.0

edited October 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This upgrade was inspired by a thread on the support forum and the implementation on the site. I modified this add-on to show the Word Cloud in the Side Panel with a new "View All Tags" link. This produces a page on which all the words on your forum are displayed as tags. It also shows you how much time it took to produce the list. This will be helpful to me to see if this takes too long on large forums.

I would appreciate it if you could email me the time it takes on you forum and the size of your forum. In that way, I can think about a re-design if necessary.

This is just another way to help your users and visitors to look for something on your forum. This will probably become obsolete when the true tag add-on is developed.
Thank you, jimw


  • I've installed and configured the extension (adding a few words to exclude, change the mincount, etc.) and it's working pretty much as one would expect when you "View all tags." However, the words that display in the panel seem to still showing the words that I've tried to exclude through the configuration. I've changed mincount to 10 in both weighted_words and weighted_words2 functions. Any help would be appreciated. :)
  • I just excluded a word from the panel list by adding the word to the overusedwords array. Could you provide a link to your forum?
  • I have a hidden category for private whispers, the weightedwords extension also tags this category, is there any way of exluding a whole category from being indexed? Thanks....
  • The sql query statement I am using is to select from the Comments table only. I would have to join the discussions table with the comments table and then you could exclude a certain categoryid since that's in the discussion table. I'll look to see what I can do.
  • pm4872pm4872 New
    edited October 2007
    About the same request :
    I'd like to exclude BBcode, cause my cloud start with "url color http".

    And i think you did not end your <p class="weightedwordlist"> element.
  • Sounds great Jimw thanks for the reply. looking forward to an update...
This discussion has been closed.