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Upgrading to latest prototype and versions?

dan39dan39 New
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does anyone know off-hand if upgrading the protoype and scripts (which come with Vanilla) to the latest available versions will cause any issues with Vanilla?


  • Nope. But IMO it *shouldn't* ;)

    Perhaps, since these are external things added to Vanilla, they should be "included extensions"? By this, I mean make them extensions that come as default, along with jQuery. This way, when the extension auto-update module is working, they can be updated on a more regular basis without the need of completely updating Vanilla?
  • I did it without any problem. I'm at Prototype '1.5.0_rc1' and Scriptaculous '1.6.4' .
    This is anyway a simple test to do, keeping the release versions at hand.
  • Does it say anywhere in Vanilla, which versions of each of those are being used?

    Perhaps this could be added to the admin's Settings page so we can easily tell if a script will work or if it needs a later version?
  • u can open up prototype.js and right on top it will say which version same for scriptacoulous as well
  • Hack, hack, hack :P

    That's a good point, but not everyone's happy (or capable) of doing that (or as in my case I can't be arsed). I'm just saying that it would make life simpler it the admin had a place to see this. Of course, if both of these were "extensions", albeit default ones, then we'd be able to see them easily :)
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