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Never believe the tool makes the designer

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help Sure Photoshop may be a more effective tool, but even cavemen with flint and stone have made edges that rival today's knives.


  • nice, I guess its all about how you use the tools in the program and which colors you choose... Photoshop CS2 - $500 MS Paint - Free?
  • edited December 2006
    that is pro for ya ;)

    @ Waterskiaddict - haha, sounds like a mastercard ad
  • That's not quite as impressive as this though:
    Also done in paint :)
  • how was that video made? i love it. is there some app i've never seen that makes a movie as you use your computer? i'm more blown away by that - and admittedly clueless about the latest in technology at times. like now.
  • Minisweeper - not as impressive as what exactly? I can't see anything :D

    Extremely impressive, now if only it had been done in a vector app... ;)
  • edited December 2006
  • I think deviantart is throwing up a blank on the hotlinked image. This is Minisweeper's pic:
  • Oh. It works for me. *shrug
  • It only works if you've disabled the referrer header.
  • Or if you have it in your browser cache.
  • Wallphone: Clicking on that link gives me an error, but copying and pasting it into the address bar works just fine :)

    Mini: very impressive, but I can't help thinking it would be quicker to do any of these things with better tools ;)
  • how do you make it so when people try to hot link to your content it doesnt load?
  •  Quote: [-Stash-]  very impressive, but I can't help thinking it would be quicker to do any of these things with better tools ;)
    I agree, this talent is completely wasted with MS Paint.
  • Waterskiaddict: there are some .htaccess directives you can use to check the referrrer of an image, or it can served from a script which checks. Searching for something like 'hotlink protection' should get you some tutorials on the techniques.
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