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Loading lag when hovering images on

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Ok, it's no big deal, but I saw that Mark works with hover images on his site. As these images aren't preloaded, it always takes a second for the image to reload when hovering over such an image. e.g. the download button, or the middle image on the addons screen.

As there are several ways of resolving this little thingie, why not fixing it?
CSS rollovers
preload hover-images


  • It's no big deal I agree but it's annoying, especially when it's a larger image.

    One of the auto-magic things done by applications like GoLive and Dreamweaver is pre-loading of images for rollovers.

    The HTML/JavaScript code in the actual page calls a function in an external .js file so it's rather cryptic to explain but I could dig it out if you like.

    Or you could use this old gem in the HEAD section...
    (100,40) is image width,height in pixels, src="xxx" is the image path

    <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- image01= new Image(100,40) image01.src="xxx.gif" image02= new Image(100,40) image02.src="xxx2.gif" image03= new Image(100,40) image03.src="xxx3.gif" image04= new Image(100,40) image04.src="xxx4.gif" image05= new Image(100,40) image05.src="xxx5.gif" image06= new Image(10,19) image06.src="xxx6.gif" // --> </script>
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • My vote goes to the CSS way of doing things that Inkscape mentioned. It's lighterweight and is just nicer all round really :) Not that even more JS wouldn't have a similar effect as well though Wanderer ;)
  • Yes, CSS is cool but I'm tired of devoting hours of my life getting an element to look and behave the way I want only to discover it breaks in this browser or that browser if combined with this or that whilst wearing pink jocks and green socks.
    I'm sticking to what I know works, there's only so many hours in a day and some of us have a life outside coding.
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