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Back-dating posts

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can we (as admin) change the date/timestamp on posts? I would like to back-date some of my posts. How is this done?


  • Only way I know is to manually edit the mysql. Back it up before you make any changes, though. Otherwise, there is no way through the actual Vanilla admin-settings.
  • Thanks. I'm assuming you mean editing the MySQL table data using PHPMyAdmin?
  • Right. That's what I do when I need to back date something, or move a comment to a different discussion. Right now, there hasn't ben an extension made to change that sort of information. Hopefully one day a coder will come in here and do it (as I am not one). But, until then, happy manual editing : )
  • Can someone give me a valid example as to why you would need to back-date a post?
  • You lose a post after using a backup and want to put it back from your internet/local cache? :D
  • I can think of many reasons the admin may want to backdate a post... not in the least to allow importing of an old discussion board MANUALLY.
  • edited December 2006
    Thanks Garvin. Yep, I agree. It'd be nice to have something (similar to Wordpress) where you can set the date of posts, without having to use PHPMyAdmin to manually edit the timestamp. Cheers.
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