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Errors after Installation: Warning: Undefined property

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I'm just trying to move my old forum (Sporum, Perl based) to Vanilla. On my test system all works fine, but on the live system, I get errors just after installing a plain new Vanilla 1.0.2:
Warning: Undefined property: Connection in /home/www/larp-welt/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Class.MySQL.php on line 53

Warning: Undefined property: User in /home/www/larp-welt/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php on line 309

Warning: Undefined property: Scripts in /home/www/larp-welt/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Control.Head.php on line 22

Warning: Undefined property: StyleSheets in /home/www/larp-welt/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Control.Head.php on line 31

Warning: Undefined property: Strings in /home/www/larp-welt/forum/themes/head.php on line 24
What's this up about, and why I'm getting this?

(You may look at it under



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    What version of PHP are you running?
  • Hi Mark!

    I'm (= my provider) is running PHP 4.1.2!

    But forget about all this problems. I decided to change to another server, where I know, vanilla works fine out of the box. On this server is something very strange with php, and with perl too! :-(

    Thank you!

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