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Attachments 2.0 and Vanilla 1.0.2

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've just upgraded to Vanilla 1.0.2 and now I get this warning:

You have enabled Attachments 2.0, but it needs Vanilla 1.0.1! Your current Vanilla version is: 1.0.2
Everything seems to work fine despite this message. I suppose I'll have to disable it manually in the code.


  • If you want to get rid of this warning, go to line 60 of this extension's default.php file:
    if( APPLICATION_VERSION !== '1.0.2' ) {
    ...and replace '1.0.1' by '1.0.2'. Dumb and easy.
  • edited December 2006
    or replace it by:
    if (version_compare(APPLICATION_VERSION, '1.0.1', '<')) {
  • Yes, your solution is better than mine :)
  • edited December 2006
    The log-in page does not work now, for me. get the message: [code]Notice: Undefined variable: NoticeCollector in /home/warcr3/public_html/nightfusion/extensions/Attachments/default.php on line 61 Fatal error: Call to a member function AddNotice() on a non-object in /home/warcr3/public_html/nightfusion/extensions/Attachments/default.php on line 61[/code]
  • StashStash
    edited December 2006
    This works for me:
    if( APPLICATION_VERSION !== '1.0.2' ) {
    This doesn't! I still get the message when I use this...
    if (!version_compare(APPLICATION_VERSION, '1.0.1', '<')) { // don't use this it's wrongI realise that the second one is "The Right Way"TM, but it no workey for me :(

    Corrected as per Dinoboff's comment below!
    if (version_compare(APPLICATION_VERSION, '1.0.1', '<')) {
  • Sorry. Just take off the '!'. I edited my previous post.
  • Thanks Dinoboff, works a treat now :)
This discussion has been closed.