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Error 500

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I'm trying to install Vanilla on my web space but I'm not able to pass the 500 error.

My hosting provider has PHP Version 4.4.4, MySql 4.0.27 so requirements are satisfied. All directories have 755.
I've uploaded all files under a directory called "vanilla" but if I acces this directory I've got "500 Internal Server Error" instead of setup wizard.

Looking at server log I've found: "/web/htdocs/ Options not allowed here"
It seems that "Options" directive is not permitted by my provider so I've deleted "Options +FollowSymLinks -Multiviews" from .htaccess but error 500 is always there
and now there are no errors in server log... so what's wrong?

Is "options" directive absolutely necessary?

Please help, thanks


  • edited December 2006
    I would think this is the the same error (a problem with mod_rewrite) as mentioned here

    You must have the permission to use this option in a .htaccess file, I guess. But I'm sorry I don't know much about that and how to configure it the right way.
  • I have the permission to use Rewrite in .htaccess

    but .htaccess is necessary? If I delete this file Vanilla can work?
    I have no error in server log so I don't know what to do...
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