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Wordpress Clarification

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So if I run an active Vanilla community, and I wanted to start a Wordpress blog, am I correct in assuming that there is not a way to import/authenticate my current Vanilla users into Wordpress?


  • You should check this integration guide out.
  • I have read that, but I think what I'm wanting to do is add my Vanilla users to access Wordpress because I do not have any Wordpress users yet. Does that make sense?
  • Hmmm yeah. I guess you kinda need the reverse then. It will be possible but I'm afraid i couldnt talk you through it. Some people here may have done it though..
  • Yes, that is correct, the reverse. Thanks for your input.. I read the documentation over and over and thought I was crazy.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    If I were you I'd do the integration and then copy the existing vanilla users into the wordpress user table. Then disregard the vanilla user table and use the wordpress one from that point forward.
  • Mark, thanks for the response. How would I handle things like transferring over the user's passwords. Or would they have to be reset?
  • Just copy them. This, of course, counts on the fact that both systems use the same one-way hash algorithm to encode passwords. I know Vanilla uses MD5, but I can't recall what Wordpress uses. (It's really a 50/50 shot since it's either MD5 or SHA1). Find out which one WP uses.
  • md5 I believe.
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