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Display recent Wordpress comments / posts

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a pretty tight integration with Wordpress on my site, where Wordpress User IDs link to the forum profile for that user. I would like to know if there is any chance of an extension to show the user's x most recent Wordpress comments/ posts in their Forum profile?


  • Latest Blog - Allows your users to have their 5 latest blog posts on their profile
  • edited December 2006
    I tried to activate that plugin earlier for another purpose, but got some kind of Magpie error which I can't recall at the moment, so it's not going to be possible. But thank you for the suggestion! I want to retrieve the user's recent activity based on their user ID (Wordpress and Vanilla are sharing the same user table) and hard-code that into their profile. Even a little panel that listed 'recent comments' and 'recent posts' would be fine. For example, there is a template tag in Wordpress which does this for posts (not sure about comments): I'm basically aiming to get traffic flowing between the two applications to create a more uniform site.
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