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Whisper Notification only works for whispers in an existing thread?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there any way to enable notification when a user starts a new discussion as a Whisper? It may be helpful for people who are not used to seeing [Private] threads, or don't know what they are.


  • Another question about this plugin: at the top I get the phrase 'XNew' which seems odd, is this supposed to be a count of some kind?

    You have been whispered in the following discussions: Whats everyone dressing up as on NYE? (XNew)
  • I think XNew is meant to be replaced by a dictionary entry but isnt for some reason..
  • edited December 2006
    line 57:

    $xnew = str_replace('//1', $row['WhisperCount'], $Context->GetDefinition('XNew'));
This discussion has been closed.