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Firebug 1.0 Beta for Firefox

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Firebug 1.0 Beta has been released

HTML Development

Javascript CommandLine

Javascript Debugging

Network Monitoring

CSS Development

CSS layout


  • StashStash
    edited December 2006
    Fook! Is it really as good as those screenshots make it look?

    Well it crashes fx2.0 portable for me on :D
  • duno about the portable version. but it works for me in ff 2.0 its actually has other cool features not in these screenshots
  • Yer, I tried it in my local installation and it seemed to work fine :) Guess I'll ask around the forums on the pfx issue...
  • It's a fantastic extension. I don't have it on all the time, in fact it's normally disabled. But it's there when I want it and it does the job admirably.
  • It is pretty cool, but it really slows down FF2.0 on my computer. So, I uninstalled it for now.
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