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My Nokia for sale on eBay keeps being bought by Nigerian spoofers!

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Argggggh. 3 times I've tried to sell my Nokia. The last time I set it up so you had to be in the UK and have a certain rating to buy it, but still someone has just "claimed" to buy it using a spoof PayPal confirmation email and requested shipping to Nigeria. Bloody ridiculous! Anyone on the market for a Nokia 7610?


  • My mate had a similar problem. eBay actually closed ihs account because they thought there was something dodgy happening. He's now stopped using eBay entirely. Didn't help he had his account hacked too I must admit. eBay really needs to step up security some how. My friend isn't stupid and would never give his details out so it's amazing that they managed to get in to his account.
  • Yup. I'm tempted to stop using it as well now. It's getting silly. I've also noticed that using the "buy it now" option makes it even worse. Think I'll give it one more shot though.
  • It's probably worth emailing ebay about it so they know what's going on though. And you might get your charges refunded (I'd assume)
  • I have been doing so. I should also have a quick rant at PayPal as the payment concerns them but I can't be arsed :)
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited December 2006
    I find it's so much easier to sell things via Amazon. Find a product that they sell (they sell a lot of stuff). Click on the "Sell Your Here" button on the right hand side of the page. There's an initial set up, but it's quick. And after that it's incredibly simple and quick. You name the price, describe the condition, and Amazon handles the money exchange and desposits it right to your account. All you have to do is mail it out as soon as the sale completes. Way easier than e-bay.

    For instance, go to: and just click on the "Sell Yours Here" button on the right.
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