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Hide categories from Members

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I want to have two categories - one for testing, one for everything else. Only Moderators and Admins would be able to see/ post in the testing category.

As such, I want to hide the 'everything else' category on the discussion grid; it's just taking up space, and there is no real need for Members to see it.

Is this possible?

Perhaps I could use the category icons plugin and have 1px gifs where the icons would go...


  • ah, i just used

    .DiscussionStarted, .DiscussionComments, .DiscussionLastComment, .DiscussionActive, .DiscussionNew { width: auto; display:inline; font-size:10px; margin-right:10px!important; } .DiscussionCategory { display:none; }

    that'll do for now!
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