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Change the default search type

Noticed that the default search mode is set to 'Topics', yet the vast majority of my searches are done as 'Comments'. Small change, but would it be best to change this to default as 'Comments'? And/or additionally save the selection the same way the comment formatting selector does?


  • You could probably change the default with a pretty simple theme change. As for making it remember it I'm not sure.
  • Hi, Old topics, but I would like to add a question. How can I change the default search mode to "Comments"? If I could change the default mode to Comments, it would be great. Thanks.
  • edited April 2007
    sorry, cant find a way to use themes. and the Delegate in the SearchForm class is a few lines to late. so all I was able to do was make this hack.. Put his line on in the /library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Control.SearchForm.php line 40, right after the comment "// Load a search object":
    if (!isset($_GET['Type'])) $_GET['Type'] = "Comments";
  • Thank you very much, Mr Do. It works nicely. Cheers,
  • Shouldn't this be doable from an Add On?
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