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Addons page won't accept .zip file upload

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I updated my extension, only to discover that the addons page won't allow me to upload the zip of my extension:
You are not allowed to upload ( the requested file type: application/x-download


  • Worked alright for me. Would you like to email me it and I'll try uploading it for you? What app did you use to zip it up?
  • edited December 2006
    Minisweeper said:
    What app did you use to zip it up?
    7-Zip. It's the same program I used before, with no problems. I just tried again, and still - no dice.

    I just sent it to you.

  • Not recieved anything yet...
  • edited December 2006
    I had the same problem some weeks ago:
    "You are not allowed to upload ( the requested file type: application/binary"

    Mark added it to the file type allowed. I am using 7-zip as well. It happened just after I've installed ff2. Which browser are you using?
  • Minisweeper: Are you sure that the email address in your forum profile is correct/active? I've double-checked, and that's definitely the one I sent it to. Or, maybe it's gotten tangled up somewhere on its way to you.

    Dinoboff: Firefox 2. Hmm...
  • Well i recieved an email on it at the same time you sent yours so it should be fine... Might have been wiped out by my spam filter though. Try bad4ssg at msn dot com.
  • Uploaded.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yay, Minisweeper!
  • Haha. That's nearly 2 useful things i've done so far!
  • edited December 2006
    Thanks much. Did you upload it as-is (and so something is definitely wrong with my browser, and not also my zip program)?
  • Yeah I uploaded exactly what you sent me. FF2.0 on XP home.
This discussion has been closed.