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Add-On Discussions

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
First off I want to say that Vanilla is rocking my forum world! I was using Simple Machines before and although that was easy for a complex forum, I feel like I have lost a 50 pound weight converting to the ease and simplicity of Vanilla. Congrats to the developers for creating such a great tool. I hope to add value to the community as well though I am not a programmer. I have been involved in the wordpress extensions community and most all of the extensions have small discussion boards where users can ask questions, answer questions, offer feature requests, etc specific to that add-on. I found this to be very useful to myself and the community and I am wondering if there is any chance of implementing this here? It creates a nice knowledge-base specific to each add-on that is available on the same page as the download. Perhaps integrating tagging posts might come in handy for something like this? ~shiva


  • There are plans in future to add [a] discussion[s] to the addons pages, I believe. Is that what you had in mind?
  • Yes that would be ideal...
  • Patience is your friend then - the addons site was thrown together in a bit of a hurry for the release of vanilla 1 - Mark still has some plans for it :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'd really like to get to it during the xmas holidays, but I'd also like to get Vanilla 1.1 out the doors. I'm not sure which one is more important yet. It will likely come down to what I feel like doing more - and since there would probably be less headaches with the release of a new add-ons site, that's likely what I'll end up doing.
  • Yeah it's the holidays..take it easy! :-) Thanks for all your hard work. It is much appreciated and this is such a great forum I am sure it will open many doors for you. ~shiva
This discussion has been closed.