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Creating a style

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've been playing around with styles over the past week or so, working on some Christmas styles. I have a couple of observations for those of you who are developing styles or themes.

I've been trying to get an image to display properly in a footer area on the screen, i.e., across the bottom from left margin to right. There is a "bottom" class in the vanilla stylesheet which I thought I could use. Unfortunately, it only appears to show on the Discussions page. And it displays at the "bottom" of the content area, not the page. I then experimented with the foot.php and found you could add a "footer" div here and my footer image displays properly across the entire page. However, on the other pages like comments and categories, it does not display at the bottom of the page. Well, it does, but then the content area (or something) is re-displayed with the footer winding up in the middle of the page, someplace other than the footer area.

So, my simple solution is to create a new image that fits in the "bottom" class better. But I would like to know if others have found different ways to handle this.
Thank you, jim


  • Just off the top of my head--maybe add padding-bottom to ContentBody equal to the image height, then specify the image as a background, with a background-position set to bottom center?

    If its supposed to repeat across the bottom, set background-repeat: repeat-x.
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