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User Icons/Avatars

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I love the tiny illustrated icons/avatars that some users on here have. I have the add-on that allows this feature. However, the users on my board are generally technically illiterate and few would know how to crop a photo properly and upload it so it looks good. One idea for an add-on would be to develop a set of prefab user icons that users could choose from. I realize that some might think this is corny or silly, but I know the users on my board and others would love it and it really does add life to the board to see all these whimsical little illustrations. If anyone is up for programming this I would be happy to collect a bunch of icons for use with it.


  • This is not a bad idea at all, and it could certainly do well as an extension. Help a fella out and perhaps do the legwork of getting that prefab together and you're more likely to get a dev to hook up the code for you.
  • Hoping to work on this over the next 2 months, I still have a buddy lined up to do some cool icons, the idea is that you would piece together a custom avatar using building blocks (mouth, ears, eyes, nose, hair etc)
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