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Joomla!Vanilla Bridge Component v1.0.3beta1 Released!

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi All! :)

The bridge is developed to be compatible with Joomla 1.0.x and Vanilla 1.0.x. In next beta, Joomla Community Builder(CB) should be supported and some modules to joomla released too. If you are happy with the Joomla!Vanilla bridge and would like to contribute please join us over at at discussion board to share comments, sugestions and bugs, etc...

A automated installer is included with every version of Joomla!Vanilla component; it allow users to install vanilla together joomla in 3 pretty easy steps. Its probably the easiest and most painless way to get up and running. Just follow the directions and you should not have any major setup issues.

Installing j!Vanilla

What you will need to start?
1)A Joomla 1.0.x Installed and working
2)* Ftp access or JoomlaXplorer installed
3) j!Vanilla Bridge Component

1) install j!Vanilla as any common joomla component
2) After installed, go to components->Joomla Vanilla Forum link,you should see a text box with: YOURSERVERABSPATH/[Vanilla Path Here]
*note: if your setup can't create your desired dir to install vanilla automaticlly, you will need do it manually, using ftp or joomlaxplorer!
3) Change [Vanilla Path Here] to a directory name you want get vanilla forum installed, and press on [Click Here to Finish Installation] button

* Vanilla db tables are created in same joomla database where component is installed
* Existent joomla users are sync with vanilla setup after install
* Only Wrapped(IFRAME) and Unwrapped frontend display modes supported in current version (jQuery thickBox display mode, to be supported on beta2)

You can get beta 1 here:

A small installation guide avaliable here:

this is public beta1 ;)


All the best
Carlos Guimaraes


  • phreakphreak MVP
    edited December 2006
    Hi Carlos, Too cool to hear about that. Thank you for that com_ ! But 2 question: Could these component be used if i there already exists a Vanilla installation ? My tables of Vanilla are in the same DB as the ones of Joomla and i'm using the common wrapper component (didn't makeme quite happy). How can i integrate both ? It would be cool, if the DB Data would not be in the Joomla Database, better to leave it external. Thanx phreak
    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • Yes, I also have the problem that the Vanilla forum is already installed and I just switched to Joomla. Would be cool if you could do the sync both ways, meaning create accounts for joomla and community builder from the Vanilla database.
  • I like this a lot - works like a charm with my Joomla! page. Thanks a lot! However, I read that the 1.0.3 Vanilla version included in the package has a security problem. Has anybody using j!Vanilla tried upgrading their vanilla to 1.1.x? Or should we wait for an updated version?
  • You could be waiting a long time ;)

    If I were you, I'd see what changes were made to the included 1.0.3 and see how hard it would be to add them to 1.1.2 and give it a try on a test server somewhere first ;)
  • The the author's website has been down for some time. Does anyone have a copy of this Vanilla- Joomla bridge that they can send me? Could you attach it to an email to Thanks Larry
  • Better yet, they could post a link here for everyone eh? ;)
  • kyukyu
    edited September 2007
    Ok, that's easy:

    However, Vanilla Version 1.0.3 as included in this ZIP seriously limits your possibilities - I understand it has known security issues, you can't use many of the newer add-ons, and as add-ons get updated more and more of them lose their compatibility with this version. The bad thing is that if you use the bridge you are stuck with 1.0.3 as the author seems to have abandoned the project (a real shame - it works extremely well with 1.0.3 and would have been a great tool to open the large Joomla! community to Vanilla), noone else seems to be able or willing to pick it up (I wish I were a php programmer, but anything more than doing some patches is beyond me so far), and it is not compatible with newer Vanilla versions. I hate to say that under these circumstances you may want to reconsider whether it makes sense to use the bridge - I am myself thinking about switching to another BB system for this reason. I really like Vanilla and would prefer to keep using it, but under the circumstances there may come a time when I won't have a choice.
  • Thanks for posting that kyu, I too do not currently have the skill (or time) to pick this up, but now that it can be downloaded again someone else who has does can start looking at it :)
  • My pleasure. Now let's hope someone with the time and skill at hand will find the project worthy to pursue (with Joomla! being one of the most wide-spread CMSs there ought to be somebody). I'm even willing to provide some webspace with FTP access and a database for testing/developing (and any other help within my possibilities).
  • I believe doc weathers is going to look into making sure it works/getting it working with Joomla 1.5. I've already suggested he use Vanilla 1.1.3rc1 as a starting point for integration...
  • That sounds good!!! Would be an additional incentive for migrating to Joomla 1.5 (sigh - now that my 1.0.12 is running nice and stable) - oh well, some day it's gonna have to happen anyway.
  • I have just installed this but i am getting some crazy errors for unknown reasons. Please help!! It installs fine in joomla, but then when i goto it in joomla it says this above the "please select a subfolder to install vanilla and finish installation" Notice: Constant _VNL_MSG_MAKE_WRITEABLE already defined in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 110 Notice: Constant _VNL_MSG_MAKE_WRITEABLE_HELP already defined in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 111 Notice: Constant _VNL_MSG_MAKE_NOT_WRITEABLE already defined in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 112 Notice: Constant _VNL_MSG_MAKE_NOT_WRITEABLE_HELP already defined in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 113 Notice: Undefined property: mosVanilla::$vanilla_redirect_onlogin in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 157 Notice: Undefined property: mosVanilla::$vanilla_redirect_onlogout in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 160 Notice: Undefined property: mosVanilla::$vanilla_lang in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 184 Notice: Undefined property: mosVanilla::$vanilla_allowUserRegistration in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 194 Notice: Undefined property: mosVanilla::$vanilla_ml_support in /home/fhlinux164/g/ on line 196
  • tell you what is wierd. I installed the bridge, fine. I looked at my website but it just shows text with no templating. BUT when I hit the link to here this site appears perfectly (although it doesn't fit). In admin I when I press on the manage forum link I get referenceerror: $ not defined Anyone else struggling with this?
  • I don't know what happened but I uninstalled and reinstalled over and over again not getting anywhere. I then gave up, logged out of Joomla admin and, bugger me, it was working! Hooray
  • The site fits in the window ok but the left panel is too wide. I have looked at the css and, not really knowing what I was doing, changed all widths in anything that mentioned 'panel' to 100px but no change. 9see link below),com_vanilla/Itemid,55/ Can some kind soul please tell me how I can reduce the width of the side panel? Many thanks
  • @ kyu re "However, I read that the 1.0.3 Vanilla version included in the package has a security problem. Has anybody using j!Vanilla tried upgrading their vanilla to 1.1.x? Or should we wait for an updated version?" I have just followed the 1.0.3 to 1.1.4 upgrade instructions and it seems fine
  • BTW I also commented out line 4-12 in themes/menu.php to make users log in and out via the Joomla login
  • I spoke too soon. I went to post a comment and got this "Some problems were encountered There was a problem authenticating your post information." extensions don't work either :-(
  • Try re-uploading your JS and Ajax folders.
  • well, anyhooooo I paid a guy at scriplance to get the bridge working for v 1.1.4 as well as reduce the width of the left column (as my joomla site forum space was in the mainarea, and had to be a little squashed up before it would look nice) I am happy to give away whatever is necessary to the community but I don't know what it is exactly that needs to be given.
This discussion has been closed.