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category icons not on discussion page?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
anyway to have the category icon extension work for only the category tab and not the discussions tab? i did search :) another reason why i would like this, not just for looks, but because it removes what category that topic was posted in..


  • er okay i should have tried before i posted.. i was able to remove some code from the style.css and get the icons removed from the discussions page.. however i still haven't figured out how to get the default margins back on the dicussions page without messing up the category page. code for margin/padding This keeps the text from overlapping the icon.. i just need this code to work for the category tab only :D /* Add paddings for the linked icons */ .CategoryDescription, .CategoryDiscussionCount, .CategoryOptions, #Discussions li ul{ padding-left:65px; }
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