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ie7 vs firefox problems with default style/theme

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
here's an image to help explain what i see everything works fine with firefox odd?


  • Here is a thread, Dinoboff (last post) for the fix:
  • IE7 also screwed up my dreamweaver FTP access, I have 40+ sites on DW, and now need to
    go digging for all those FTP logins that were erased (after I install the 8.02 updater).

    F***^&*^*&K Microsoft. Like I didn't have anything better to do...
  • IE7 screwed up dreamweaver?! how?
  • thanks but where do i add the code? #Content .ContentInfo.Bottom .PageInfo p { min-width: 20px; }//Once this problem is fix, the top border of page info appear thicker// and border-top: none create a pug in FFhtml>body #Content .ContentInfo.Bottom .PageInfo { border-top: 1px solid #fff;}
  • It needs to go in your vanilla.css file under /themes/vanilla/styles/default. Make sure you have the linebreaks and stuff correct though.
  • edited December 2006
  • edited December 2006
This discussion has been closed.