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Thankful people

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just a mockup of a potential extension (if anyone wants to make it). Its pretty simple. Instead of having people post appreciation and thankyou notes and clutter up the thread they can simply click the thanks link and have their username appear under that post

Thankful people extension for vanilla forum

I'm sure you guys can find other uses of this extension.


  • good idea, thumbs up from me.
  • 1+ from me - I could use such a feature. :)
  • I always giggle when people say "+1" here, because on a forum I moderate and spend a lot of time on, "+1" means "I just had an orgasm." :/

    Anyway, I like this idea. I think I've seen some forums that have something like this. Do it!
  • I met a lady at a bus stop once, she said she had an orgasm every time she sneezed.

    When asked if she was taking anything for it she answered, yes, pepper!
  • ....Surely this only begs the question, what the hell kind of forums do you moderate?!
  • StashStash
    edited December 2006

    I like the idea of this extension as well though :) It's kina like an informal poll... which begs the question as to whether or not you should have the option to NOT appreciate it ;) And then the option to change your mind!
  • i go with stash, maybe some option to set up additional categories like "insulted people" etc. great idea for an extension!
  • I've picked it up! I've started a new thread to contain the bugs and versions:
  • PolPol
    edited December 2006
    @Minisweeper: The origin of that term is a long story (and one that would make us seem a bit insane), but suffice it to say, it's the kind of forums whose membership consists mainly of sex-deprived teenagers. If it makes you feel better, our use of "+1" is etymologically not related to the "I agree" usage. :P @Jazzman: You rock! +1! :)
  • Sex deprived teenagers you say? Sounds like my kinda forum.
  • Mine too. That's why I'm a mod there. :P
  • unthankful people would be a nice compliment
  • +1 too
This discussion has been closed.