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Safari problem with little load bars

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey everyone,
For lack of a better name, the load bar that appears when you delete, close, etc. a topic is now called: little load bar (LLB for short). I found that when I delete, close, sticky, sink (or all the opposite options) the LLB does not go away. To make my point a bit more clear, take a look at this image:


Anyone know why this is happening / how we can fix it? Everything works... it's just the animation doesn't go away. Also, this is only happening in Safari. I double checked it with FireFox and it works just fine.

Version: Vanilla 1.0.3 || Browser: Safari 2.0.4 (419.3) || All extensions have been turned off.

Let me know if you need anything else. Thank you for your time and help!



  • I reported this months ago, apparently it's nothing to worry about, the function actually does work however some AJAX stuff is not doing its thing to reset the LLB (or Safari is not getting it). pic
  • Ah, I see. I did do a search to make sure this hadn't been mentioned... must have missed it. :p Thanks for the update! :D

  • Obviously wanderer wasnt using the correct technical terminology as you were...? ;P
  • I think that is the problem, yup, sounds right. :) I actually did a search for Safari and looked through the topics. I probably didn't do the search for comments, just the topics. Next time I will do more of a thorough search before posting! :D

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