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Everything gets pushed down?

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there, for some reason my forum whenever someone posts a large image (or they view the Google ads at the top of the page) there's a huge white gap between the navigation and the first post. Any ideas why that is? Cheers


  • Yup, IE only (doesn't effect me at home but does quite often when using other PCs).
  • Yeah, the image breaks the layout in IE causing the containing div to be too wide. So instead of simply drawing the image out of frame like everyone else, it tries to shift that div "down" in order to find a wider spot to render.

    There's not much you can do about this. Perhaps find a JS script that enforces max-width css for IE and try using that. Search for IE7 by Dean Edwards.
  • Ahh I see, that's a shame :( I don't suppose Mark will be implementing that into a new version? Tbh I've never seen it happen on any other site ;o Thanks for the info though! I may try the js if there's no other way around it.
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