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‮‮Found this on Reddit. Testing...

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
‮‮(‮‮ if you can read this, then try to read it in Firefox.


  • That's pretty kewl. Safari does not mirror the text, though FireFox does. Pretty neat trick... though not sure what use it has. :p

  • You can also use the bdo tag to reverse direction:
    Hello World! This a test.
  • edited December 2006
    Interesting the title bar of Firefox is not reversed.

    I wonder what happens when you combine bdo and the unicode character?

    ‮‮ Well, here it is.

    Will bdo override the wierdness?
  • Now that you mention the title - on Safari, it says: Lussomo Community - ...gnitseT .tiddeR no siht dnuoF. So, I guess it does work on Safari! Just... not in the way expected. :p

  • The title bar is reversed in Opera as well.
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