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Annotate Comments (add on)

dan39dan39 New
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Jazzman's and MySchizoBuddy's "Thankful People 1.0" gave me another idea. It would useful to have an add-on that would allow administrators to annotate any comment directly. The annotation would allow someone (based on their role) to insert any text or HTML directly to the end of any comment. The design could look almost identical to "Thankful People." Each comment would have an "annotate" link in the upper-right corner. An administrator could then insert text, HTML, Microformats, or whatever, directly to then end of a specific comment.


  • This would be great for behind the scenes administration.
  • Maybe have it so people can/cant see the annotation based on role/etc too.
  • I fully agree with dan39,

    it would be a cool feature for admins, moderators to annotate any comment. E.g. giving the reason, why a posting was edited, moved, ... by a moderator, admin, ...
    I thought of a dropdown control in the posting form which can only be seen depending on the role (e.g. only moderators and admins). It holds some common explanations like "moved - wrong category", "fixed URL", "correct typos", ... If there isn't a suitable entry, the mod/admin should have the possibiliy to add one on his/her own.
  • Right, or if you are using Vanilla as a client/project manager (like me), you could use it to mark a message read/acknowledged or "currently being worked on" or something.
  • Any progress on this?
  • yeah - that is a great idea - it would really help
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