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Extension: Discussion Tags



  • dan39dan39 New
    edited January 2007
    I found that if I changed the resulting markup a bit to resemble something like this: I was then able to control the sizes via CSS. The markup is more sematic that way.
  • has someone a quick solution for _how to duplicate the "all tags" page*_ and how to put the list above the discussions overview,and how to limit the diplayed tags to lets say 40 items?

    such like at ?

    cheers a lot

    * extension.php?PostBackAction=DiscussionTags
  • @fery - Sorry but that's a bit more customization than I'm prepared to get involved in. The current extension is pretty stable and I'm not expecting there will be much further development of it in the near term.

    Perhaps someone else on the board could peak at the code for you to see how you might pull that off.
  • ah okay, thanks anyways
  • You could try my WeightedWords extension which has a "view all tags" page. However, my all tags may not be the same as houseinprogress. If this would work for you, maybe I could add an option to hide the sidepanel tag display and just show the "view all tags" link.
  • well im somehow limited to php and dynamic scripting im more one of those "haha editing is nice" -guys.

    is probably a way there to display extension.php?PostBackAction=DiscussionTags this one here above the all discussions page ? like this:

    title + page jump
    footer/end of page

    i bet this would be interessting for a few here.

    well would be cool to keep the amount of extensions limited (performance) otherwise i would try yours as well jimw.

    however, im here and i can tweak here and there but a little help would be gorgeous
  • I have a strange error after I activated the extension. On the Discussions page I see the (Enter some). When I click on it I get:

    Warning: fopen(extensions/Gigs/cal.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\Vanilla.1\extensions\Gigs\default.php on line 27

    It doesn't stop me from entering tags or saving them. But when I hit the (Edit them), I get the same error.

    Do you have any idea what is happening?
  • I think this has nothing to do with the DiscussionTags extension, that's something with the "Gigs" extension. Disable it and try it again...
  • Hi folks.

    I noticed tags are ordered alphabetically, but non-latin characters aren't. For example, "ecology" comes after the letter D, but the same word in french, "écologie", comes after the letter Z, because "é" isn't counted as a simple "e". Would there be a way to change this?
  • I've a feeling there probably isnt (though i could be wrong) - I'm guessing the alphabetical order is based on the ASCII values for the character, where é has a higher value than e and is therefore lower down the list. Unless there's some sort of magic you can pull off in PHP. Or unless i'm completely wrong :D
  • edited February 2007
    Yep, you're probably right. It took me something like one month to finally notice it wasn't a strange bug but a totally normal behaviour...
    I can bear with it now :)
  • OK, I'm going to show my total lack of knowledge of PHP now :) Ready?

    But, couldn't you create an array of letters, putting in the é types in the correct places and then use that to order the tags?
  • Probably yeah. But it's a lot of work...
  • I did a little research and found that there is a php routine called natsort(). If you use this sort, words beginning with é would sort first. This is probably not a solution, but another way of sorting. Sorting data/lists of words in multiple languages is not an easy thing.
  • But, couldn't you create an array of letters, putting in the é types in the correct places and then use that to order the tags?
    Looks like your total lack of knowledge of PHP matches mine ;)
    I suppose I could try this but I've no idea where to start (and it would probably be a better idea to spend some time updating my extensions instead...)

    @jimw - In fact, I thought stupidly it could work the same way it does in most search engines, i.e. Google just considers letters and ignores accents. But if special characters have their own ordering system, well, it starts being a bit too complicated for me...
  • I just checked the DiscussionTags extension and the author is using a custom sort via the usort function. I wouldn't want to muck around with what he has done. However, if you're using my WeightedWords extension, we can play with that to see what we can accomplish.
  • I think It would be a lot of work to make it sortable by an array, you'd have to create your own quicksort or bubblesort algorithmus...
This discussion has been closed.