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Please delete my old Forum.

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm a great fan of LUSSUMO, and for a few weeks I've build my own forum for my school. But I would like to refer you to a forum several people discriminated against and insulted. it should be a school forum. I am the administrator of it, but there are people those constantly shits builds. I would like to make a new forum with your great program, but first I would have to delete the old forum. I cannot delete it anymore. And I have no idea why. So please HELP ME!!! If it could be so friendly, to close or, best, DELETE my forum. So that I can provide a new. This is my forum. It's A German one: Could anyone help ME, please? Simply DELETE my old forum. Thank you. Sorry for every grammatical mistake, I'm German^^


  • Eh? We cant delete your forum for you, we dont have access to your server. You need to remove all the files and remove the related database tables. Your host should be able to help you with that.
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