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User/Comment Notes - Moderation, Reports, Walls, Commendations and More

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I've been considering a couple of things I've been seeing here:
- Reporting
- Walls

And of my own accord, I've been thinking about a way for users to comment to other users in regard to a particular comment/user without the need to get too far away from the comment/user display.

Namely, I'd like to see a system with a few things, first let's start with the database table used to hold this:
| UserID | int |
| TargetUserID | int |
| TargetCommentID | int DEFAULT 0 |
| Text | text |
| IsReport | enum('yes','no') |
| IsGlobal | enum('yes','no') |
| IsZapped | enum('yes','no') |
Now, this would allow you to do a few things -- here's are some example role permissions:

- May See Notes of Equal Level*
- May See Notes of Equal or Less Level*
- May See Notes of Any

- May Post Notes to Equal Level*
- May Post Notes to Equal or Less Level*
- May Post Notes to Any

- May attach Notes to Comments
- May attach Notes to User Page ***

- May Post Notes As Reports
- May Post Notes As Globally Viewable
- May View and Zap Reports**

What would this be useful for? Well, a lot of things -- it could be used as a moderation/reporting system. You could set it up as a user-to-user wall system. You could use it as a simple admin notes section. You could use it to attach public commendations to a specific comment (say, awards that show up on the comment & profile). I probably can't imagine the number of things it could be used for, but it would solve several of the requests here, my needs, and those few I haven't thought of.

What do you think? Too lofty? Too many features? Not enough? What problems are inherent in this?
  * == Level is determined by sort order of the roles page.
** == Implied moderator/admin role here.
*** == Not sure about this option since I'd want to aggregate all "attached to comment" notes back to the profile anyway...


  • Jazzman's not-quite-ready-for-primetime Multi-Role add-on will be vital for my work longer-term. Extensions that rely on the core role system for some of their semantics create a dependency that will most likely collide with a multi-role add-on. I could be wrong but multiple roles, once hardened, should be killer for Vanilla.

    I also wonder whether users (including admins) may do better with add-on's that focus on a single, clear task/feature enhancement rather than add-on's that are undoubtedly elegant and powerful but are entire mini-apps in themselves. While overlapping and semi-redundant (simpler) add-ons create their own frustrations, they bring an 'I can describe this to my users and expect them to support themselves' strength.
  • russliptonJazzman's not-quite-ready-for-primetime Multi-Role add-on will be vital for my work longer-term. Extensions that rely on the core role system for some of their semantics create a dependency that will most likely collide with a multi-role add-on. I could be wrong but multiple roles, once hardened, should be killer for Vanilla.
    I'm not sure that it would, actually. If it works as I imagine it does, a multi-role system would simply mash several roles permissions all into one. I'd have to check this out.

    russliptonI also wonder whether users (including admins) may do better with add-on's that focus on a single, clear task/feature enhancement rather than add-on's that are undoubtedly elegant and powerful but are entire mini-apps in themselves. While overlapping and semi-redundant (simpler) add-ons create their own frustrations, they bring an 'I can describe this to my users and expect them to support themselves' strength.
    True, however, I constantly find myself struggling with a single function (in my mind) that's been created by 3 separate extensions: Discussion Filters, Participated Threads, and Panel Lists. In my opinion, they do mostly the same thing -- make it easier to navigate and browse the things a user cares about. But it's split of three different extensions that, as you note, intermix with each other and change what one or the next does. So, the flip side is that when I activated one extension, I got functionality X -- the next activation gave my Y, but modified how X worked and that was just as confusing as what you put forth.
  • Let's have all of them and then I can try them out and decide which is best :D
  • I'm all for choosing between extensions ...
This discussion has been closed.