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problem with tinyMCE extension

argie01argie01 New
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, after install TinyMCE extension using Vanilla 1.0.3 the problem I get is the buttons "insert/edit link" and "insert/edit image" doesn't works. I mean, they are both active, but when I do clik on them nothing happens: there is not a window asking for the parameters. Thank you for your help !


  • edited December 2006
    open up default.php file in tinymce folder look for this text tiny_mce_gzip.php and change it to tiny_mce.js the gzip compressed version of tinymce is not working anymore
  • Thank you ! Now it's working fine !
  • Just one more question: after install spanish language pack, I still continue seeing the english language. So, how can I setup spanish language for tinymce ? Thank you again !
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