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Fatal error when calling for Terms of service

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi! Complete newbie with great admiration for the easy and elegance of Vanilla! Have just installed Vanilla and everything seems to be running smoothly except that I get this Fatal error when I want to have a look at the terms of service: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: geturl() in h:\home\users\FA05-27-07-234_e2t8qy3fvtqfynx3r24y\\public_html\languages\Swedish\definitions.php on line 760 Can somebody bring me a clue here!


  • This error has to do with your language pack and doesn't happen in the English language. In the German language readme.txt it says:
    Die termsofservice.php enthält eine Umgebung ohne "GetUrl"-Funktion. Wenn
    die definitions.php aus diesem Sprachpaket included wird, erscheint im Popup nur eine Fehlermeldung. Als Lösung einfach eine leere function GetUrl ($param1,$param2) {} in die
    termsofservice.php einbauen.
    The termsofservice.php is in an environment without the "GetUrl" function. When including the definitions.php from this language pack, you receive an error message in the terms of service pop-up. The solution is to add an empty function for Geturl to the top of the file termsofservice.php, e.g. GetUrl ($param1,$param2) {}.
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