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Willing to hire a add-on expert to "pimp' my forum

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hello, My name is Jonathan I have very basic knowledge of web development. I have installed the vanilla forum software to my site and I really would like to install many add-ons. I would really rather hire soemone here is they are willing to install the most popular add-ons for me as it would be very time consuming for me to "learn as I go" We could do a flat rate or "per add on" basis anyway, I can pay through paypal hope I find somene soon Thanks, -Jonathan


  • please, don't be a fool.... upload all the extensions you want into the extensions directory and then go to and have a look at the video tutorials. It's as easy to install then as one click of a button
  • I'd certainly have a go at installing the addons yourself (it's easier than installing vanilla in most cases) - then if you have issues which you're not capable enough to fix (even with the communitys fantastic help resource) you can start waving money around if you feel like it :)
  • edited December 2006
    its just so frustrating I am already having problems I really dontw ant to spend hours behind te computer I just want a nice blog I just tried to install account pictures and my whole forumis screwed up- moments before that I to change the skin and anothr disaster- i suppose this is what this simple softwate and community forum is for so we dont have to hire a programmer- but sometimes with me time is more valuable than money My offer still on the table for anyone open to it -Jonathan
  • If you just want a blog wouldnt it be easier to try some blogging software?
  • my mistake minisweeper i typed blog I meant forum i edited the error
  • As other people pointed out, installing extensions should be fairly simple, but if you're having problems, I'd be happy to help you out with this. Email me at
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