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Installed Account Pictures and my blog mysteriously dissapeared

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
if anyone could please help me, I installed account pictures and when I activated it my forum became a blank white page (so I deleted it- and now my forum returned and brought me a disturbing message: Please help Warning: main(/home/acting/public_html/forum/extensions/AccountPictures/default.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/acting/public_html/forum/conf/extensions.php on line 6 Warning: main(/home/acting/public_html/forum/extensions/AccountPictures/default.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/acting/public_html/forum/conf/extensions.php on line 6 Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/acting/public_html/forum/extensions/AccountPictures/default.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/acting/public_html/forum/conf/extensions.php on line 6 Warning: main(/home/acting/public_html/forum/extensions/./default.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/acting/public_html/forum/conf/extensions.php on line 7 Warning: main(/home/acting/public_html/forum/extensions/./default.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/acting/public_html/forum/conf/extensions.php on line 7 Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/acting/public_html/forum/extensions/./default.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/acting/public_html/forum/conf/extensions.php on line 7


  • It's trying to load the extension still because you did not deactivate the plugin first. I'm not sure where that is in the DB so you can get rid of it, but someone here will.
  • Just copy the extension back where it was, then disable it, *THEN* delete it...
  • To manually disable the extension, open up conf/extensions.php and remove the line which includes the AccountPictures extension folder.
  • but how do you get the extension to work? I have this problem also!
  • but how do you get the extension to work? I have this problem also!
  • anyone there? jonathanb did you ever get this one working? I have soame problem as you a blank white sceen after it was activated.
  • bump again
  • edited December 2006
    I had the same problem. It worked once I had created the uploads/AccountPictures folder and chmoded them both to 777. Hope that helps. Edit: create and chmod the folders before you install the extension.
  • ok will try soon
  • that doesnt seem to make a difference i dont know what else to try.
  • well i still have not been able to get this working any other sggestions?
  • well well well, the requirements need chaged. when i upgraded to 1.0.3 it fixed. i guess i should have added this urgent fix sooner anyway
  • I still have this problem.... I have tried what you suggested, making the folder upgrade/AccountPicture, and chmoded it to 777. Both in my vanilla folder and in extensions/AccountPictures folder. This leaves me with a no html output from my vanilla/index.php in my browser. I have tried changing the path in extensions/AccountPictures/default.php (line 35) to the absolute path to the folder, with the same result. (I have no problem getting my site back online thou.) I am using Vanilla 1.0.3 with AutoP, DiscussionCounters, FCKeditor and Quotations activated.
  • Turn them all off? Does the forum work then?
  • The forum works fine with the initial extensions and only wipes out when I activate this extension. I have just tried out another extension that leaves me with the same result: New Applicants Count XHR 1.0, when activated the forum goes blank. This happens both when there are no other extensions activated, and when one or all the other extensions are activated.
  • I'd try downloading and uploading those two extensions again just to make sure you haven't got a corrupted down/upload.
  • I'm guessing you have a non-patched version of the extension and since you're running 1.0.3 it's killing the app like it's supposed to. Definitely give re-download and upload a shot.
This discussion has been closed.