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css and style question

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
is there anyway to change the background color of the comments being shown without messing up the "whispered to" "whispered from" color highlights


  • Whack this at the end of the vanilla.css file. I've made the colours pretty horrific so you can see what you're changing easily. You *will* want to change them =D

    /* Main comment background and default text */ #Comments { background-color:#efe; color:#f00; } /* Main comment text * keep this and the value above the same */ #Comments .CommentBody { color:#f00; } /* Commenter username */ #Comments .CommentHeader a { color:#00f; } /* Comment header links (grey by default) * As of 2006-12-13, this works with AjaxQuote 1.0, Comment Removal 2.0, Comments Permalinks 1.0 and IP History 1.0 */ #Comments .CommentHeader li, #Comments .CommentHeader li em, #Comments .CommentHeader span, #Comments .CommentHeader a.WhisperBack, #Comments .CommentHeader span a { color:#0f0; }
  • perfect that worked
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