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New Applicants RSS

dan39dan39 New
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It would be very useful to have an Add-On that published the full list of the New Applicants as an ATOM feed (or RSS feed). The feed would ideally need to be a "full list" of applicants, not a truncated version that's just taken from the first page of search results. Also, the feed should only be accessible to those with the proper privileges when logged in.

This would allow others to have external ways to keep track of New Applicants, such as a New Applicant widget or similar Vista "gadget," or just simple RSS reading.


  • I like this idea a lot :)
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited December 2006
    Based on the conversation going on in the New Applicant widget discussion, a full listing RSS may be too sophisticated for what most people need.

    Instead, perhaps an Add On that simply spits out the total number of New Applicants to either a web page or a feed is all that is needed.
This discussion has been closed.