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Problem integrating with Wordpress

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I can use the same user id and password as my WP. Everything is working fine.. except.. when i move from the Forum to the Wordpress site.. the user id does not follow me... and if i move from wp to the forum.. even then it does now follow... I need to login twice to be using both... What did i do wrong?? I changed everything as explained in the integration file.. and using option 2.. for the last part.. If anyone knows what I did wrong please let me know.. and also how to correct it. P.S, i installed vanilla in a subdomain.. and it is not under my main domains root.


  •  Quote: Furion  i installed vanilla in a subdomain.. and it is not under my main domains root.
    I think there's your problem mate, I am not a cookie expert but it appears the cookies are being saved in different locations?
  • how to solve it?
  • Set your cookie domain to "" with the leading dot. That will make the cookies work for any subdomain.
  • I already tried it. Did not work.. it would work for all subdomains. But my WP is the main domain...
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