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Install Vanilla 1.0.1 page keeps popping up!

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am not sure if I have not installed my Vanilla properly or not or if I needed to delete a file or if I am having server problems but as I am navigating around my forum, editing, adding viewing etc and if I click on a topic I get taken to the Install new Vanilla 1.0.1 database page. So I know if I am seeing this then other people are too. Any suggestions or hints on how to correct this? Your help is appreciated. Thanks.


  • If you browse back to the main page when the install page comes up does it work properly? Or do you have to keep running through the install process?
  • I meant to mention that the site have been active now for over a week. I replaced a very active asp forum that was getting over 4000 hits a day with Vanilla after a problem with the old server and partner...but Vanilla works fine but just sometimes when I click usually on a comment in a category I get taken to the Install Vanilla Database page. I can hit the back button and click again and it will usually take me to the same Database page. But if I click on a category instead of a comment I don't get that page. On Monday it happened and I could not get it to go away. I thought I was going to have to reinstall the database to get it back working again. People emailed and called saying they had already tried to install the database, Not Cool when everyone sees that I think. I thought it was just because I was admin that I saw it. So to answer your question I think that I could go back to the main page and it would disappear, except for that one time. I was wondering if there was a setup file that I needed to delete or something.....Thanks for you help!
  • I guess you could just delete the setup folder...
  • Thanks, that is what I just did. I just didn't know if there was anything in the file that would affect any others. So far so good. Thanks again.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It sounds to me like some kind of caching issue. Perhaps your host uses a cache of some kind - or perhaps your ISP is doing mediary caching as well...
  • Thanks Mark, How do I figure this out? I have deleted the setup folder, will that be a problem? In reality I am using Dreamhost as my host and it maybe isn't the best host or hosting plan. Any suggestions? How much php memory is recommended for Vanilla?
  • Deleting your setup folder is no problem unless you need to run setup again. I'm sure plenty of other people here are running on dreamhost just fine. As for how much memory it needs that depends largely on how big and active your forum is...
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