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Vanilla Green 1.0 style and IE7 issues

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I set up a Vanilla forum here using Vanilla Green 1.0 as my style to work off of. Everything looks great to me (Camino, Safari, Mac FF), but my client appears to have issues in IE7. See below It seems like the forum does not view correctly in Internet Explore 7. On my computer without it, I can sign on as ADMIN and it looks great. With IE7, the member list is full of overlapping words, etc. Any ideas, CSS hacks, etc. that might resolve this?


  • Vanilla green is based on the default stylesheet, so I assume the fix is similar:
  • edited December 2006
    This fix may work: Edit: Sorry, same as above... that's what I get for leaving this open 20 minutes before posting :)
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