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mySQL database creation on OS X: notes from a moron

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I tried the Vanilla installation wizard, but slipped up at step 2 ("Create your new Vanilla database, and specify the MySQL connection parameters "...) The error was "We couldn't connect to the server you provided (vanilla). The database responded with the following message: Unknown MySQL server host 'vanilla'" I really don't know what to enter on this screen. The site is hosted on a spare computer at home, running OS X 10.4 (client version). PHP is working ok on it. The installations instructions for vanilla state, "Often at times you might not even have a mySQL database to start with, in either case contact your host or provider to make sure of those details or if you need a new database before asking anyone else in the community." Unfortunately, I am that host and I don't know what to do. I'm guessing I have to create a mysql database somehow... any clues?


  • edited December 2006
    This is overkill but follow these instructions on how to install MovableType on your mac. Just take the portions where it lists MySQL.

    This will show you where to download, how to install and how to make a database in mysql.
  • u have to create the database "vanilla" if u want to use it.

    I use MAMP on my intel mac. It comes preconfigured with mysql and php and phpmyadmin. use phpmyadmin to create the vanilla database and a user and ur done.

    I got vanilla working on my mac in little under 2 mins using MAMP
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