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problem with css and AccountPictures (2006-12-04) extension

argie01argie01 New
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I'm using Vanilla 103 and AccountPictures-2006-12-04. Before to install AccountPictures, the users had an icon as avatar. So, I change the css statement CommentIcon to add a border around that icon. After to install AccountPictures-2006-12-04 this border expand itself above and under the image (as a padding). So, the border is over part of the comment itself, and also the icon is showed bigger than the size I configured. When I inactive the AccountPictures-2006-12-04 extension, the problem is solved. So, anyone can help to fix this issue whith this extension ? Thank you !


  • I've a feeling the Account Pictures extension lets you choose the size of the image doesnt it? Did you look on the settings page while it was enabled?
  • Yes, I did it. And doens't care what size I choose: I always get a padding above and under the image...
  • Ok, I did some tests... IE6 show the icon well. I have avatars images of 65x65 pixels. If I set the extension to 60x60 pixels, IE6 show the image well, but there is a padding above and under it. This padding is not a problem because IE6 cut the border up and bottom of the image, showing the .CommentIcon property as a block. But FF2, with avatar extension of 65x65px, show a big padding above and under the icon. The only way FF2 show well the borders is when I setup the extension to 60x20 pixels. Of course, this size cause than IE6 cut the image to 20px :( regards, Argie
  • I find a solution to this problem. I had to do several modification to the default Vanilla template, in these statements: #Comments .CommentHeader ul li span #Comments .CommentHeader ul li div.CommentIcon #Comments .CommentHeader ul li In all the cases above, I added "ul" to the original statement. Then I just play with "height" and "widht" in #Comments .CommentHeader ul li div.CommentIcon regards, Argie
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