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Save Discussion as Draft or Auto Save

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Has anybody tried to do this? This would be a great extension.

I found these two discussions on the topic:>>


  • Now this would be nice, saving as a draft that is.
    Many times I've had to stop mid-way in a comment to go and research something, it would be nice to save the draft.

    On a related note, a couple of times I've hit "Back to Discussions" instead of "Add your comments" but I don't think Auto Save is very easily doable in a web browser.
  • There was an old clipboard extension (0.9.3) that you could use to save snippets of text, then pop them back into a comment form. It needs some fixing up to work with Vanilla 1, if anyone wants to volunteer.

    I don't really like the idea of a drafts folder. I seem to periodically draft an email which was meant to be sent. Wind up annually cleaning out a drafts folder with 5-6 messages in it.

    I would imagine a better autosave should save the comment form and auto-fill the form with that information whenever that user next encounters such a form, rather than force the user to select which draft to pull from.

    Slightly related rant: The persistence of memory.
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