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Vanilla running slow and timing and suggestions appreciated

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have Vanilla installed on a dreamhost account and the domain is and I am getting complaints of the forum timing out and running slow.

I have tried everything from removing most of extensions to help speed it up. Switching from the Soulscape skin to the default with no apparent success with any of the changes.

I felt that when I added the FCK Editor that this has made the forum slower. Currently it is still installed. I love the things this editor offers especially the embeding of the videos. If you want to see a good video of a Spanish Horse check this out . Maybe a different html editor might we suggested or recommended in case it is felt this might be a problem. Hope not....

I have on my main page the Semiologic Pro installed which Denis recommends 32 mgs of php memory. Dreamhost tells me that they can not increase the memory but if I wanted to search the Wiki that I could upgrade my version of php and add an optimizer if I wanted to. I don't have a clue how you would do that on a shared server.......

Anyway, I certainly would appreciate any help or advice to help me out. I just changed this site from an asp Snitz forum and I sure hate to go backwards.... in many ways. I just love the Vanilla forum but I must have something installed wrong or the server is not working with me or something else. I get about 1500 visitors a day now, down from the 4000 that I had before the switch which has happened in the last 10-14 days. (but the switch was worth it and necessary) but I think that so many people, one are not adjusting to the new forum or more likely not happy with the performance.

Thanks much for your help.


  • Performance seemed fine to me, but if you reckon it's the FCK Editor, try disabling it for a day or two and see what people say. Tell them what you're doing and I'm sure they'll understand being without fancy text formatting for a day or two. If that does solve the performance issues, then at least you know and can decide what to do then.
  • Stash, Thanks.

    I switched from the SoulScape skin to the default skin since I posted above and that seemed to help. I just wonder if there is something with the php setup on the server that I could change or modify to help the speed. When I disable the fck editor all my html posts are in code that shows and graphics that have been posted of course don't show up. Is there another editor that is recommended? such as the Tinymce? or?
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