Move Discussion to different Category

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
First Post, and pardon if this one's come up before, but... If there's a way for me as an admin to move discussions from one Category (i.e. On-Topic) to another (i.e. Off-Topic), I can't find it.


  • edit the users original discussion, and select a new category for it. The only problem with this is that the original post will appear edited as a result and be marked there-after.
  • Ah hah. Thanks.
  • uhm... is it possible this does only work for your "own" discussions? i tried to edit an other authors topic and there wasnt any choice to change the category... for my own it works. or does this have something to do with the whole forums being important from a phpbb install?
  • I went into the database to change the category. I'm not very proficient in MySQL so I think it's safe to say that if I can do it others can :)
  • akbakb
    edited December 2005
    that wouldnt be any problem for me too... but i'm thinking of my moderators that do not have access to my db
  • works fine for me... presumably you have all the right permissions and whatnot?
  • sure... i'm the master admin.
  • Wierd. Both here (9.2), on vanilladev, and on my own dev install (0.9.3) it works fine for me..
  • akbakb
    edited December 2005
    hm... really weird... i think i'll take a look at the tables edit: ah... i seem to have the reason. would be nice if someone could confirm this: i cannot edit the category of a "higher member thread". i can edit my own and the threads of standard members, but i cannot edit the category of a thread opened by, for example, a moderator.
  • um. Well i appear to have access to edit/move marks posts in the vanilladev? I did run the idea of a feature similar to the one you seem to be experiencing past him though.
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