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Private topcs?

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
When you make a new discussion, and lets say I would whisper the new comment to Mark. Won't the other users be able to see the topic then? Is that a private topic? What will happen then? I think the whisper system is way to unclear. There should at least be a new navigation tab "Whispered comments" or something similar, it is way to hard to find whisper.

Because I am wondering how you could do a private topic, and not just write the one you wanna whisper to each time. Also why not be able to whisper to a whole group or multiple users?
This could be good for support etc, when the customers wanna give some private info but with no-one but me and them being able to see the topic.

I also wonder if you easily can do a "resolved" beside all posts for support?

Can I change the username's color for specific groups or users?


  • You cant whisper to multiple users because it uses a 1-1 relation in the database. I think jazzman has some sort of funky plans to make it work in his private messaging extension though. When you whisper the first comment in a discussion to someone it becomes a private discussion, and noone else can see it in the discussions list. There is a 'whispered discussions' link in the 'discussion filters' extension.

    Your second request is kinda a different idea, but yeah, it's possible. It just hasnt been done yet.
  • I like the usergroup coloured names :)

    Could you just use [Closed] instead of resolved? You could even change the word ;)
This discussion has been closed.