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Domain Name Change - How to make the Change

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I had to make an unexpected major change on my domain name that had Vanilla installed on it from a .com to a .info extension. I want to use the existing database but I am not sure which files need to be changed and how to get the forum back running again. Help! Any suggestions appreciated. Can I edit files or do I have to run a new install? Thanks.


  • the first question is, are these two domains on the same hosting account.. if yes, they can use the same database... and then all you have to do at maximum is move the vanilla folder to the appropriate folder...

    if they are on different hosting accounts, then you have to copy the previous version and paste it into vanilla folder in the new domain, then create a database with the same name as the one at the initial site, .. then create a dump file in the old database and import this file into new database... all discussions and users will be preserved
  • And you may have to change the URLs in conf/settings.php, shouldn't have to edit anything else, unless it involves any custom changes with a hard-coded URL.
  • Thanks this is what I did. Total brain space I think....on my part. I had my vanilla set up on and I did not set up a new account for the I just pointed it to the address. So you you went to and or then you went to the same site. But when I switched the dns of the www.domain .com to the other host then I lost my database connection. I changed the conf/settings.php to the new .info page but it still didn't work. I have now a whole page of errors.....

    Warning: include(/home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/ on line 17

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/ on line 17

    Warning: include(/home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/ on line 18

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php') in /home/.waldorf/pasopedcom/ on line 18

    This was only a few of a long page of errors.

    So the pasopedcom database is still correct. But since I did not have a separate ftp for the then everything I upload is on the ftp....I am not sure if that makes a difference or not but I do know that if I point to a address then it is pointing to another site now.....

    So maybe the domain pointing was the wrong way to go........duh....

    Unless there is a way to make it work, otherwise I might have to do as you suggest Crash_D.

    WallPhone Thanks, what do you think is my best course now....
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