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How do I add links to the sidebar

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
If anyone can help, I'm very much a beginner, having downloaded SmartFTP, and I figured out how to upload stuff to my site with it. I also have DreamWeaver, and realized how I can bring some pages in and mess with the code and such. But I am very much a beginner at this. I have Vanilla uploaded, and am using it first for a very small forum, of friends that I have, who will be involved ultimately with the larger site. With the small forum, I am getting used to how to fiddle with Vanilla, so I can then know what I am doing when I go live with the forums aspect of my sites--which will go up first, as soon as I have everything ready to upload. I'm used to working with HTML within forums posts, and in blogging posts and templates, but nothing much beyond. I'll have future questions as to how to make up styles and themes, but for now, I am simply trying to get links on the sidepanel. So, I uploaded the Improved Sidepanel 1.0. Here's the site: Here's the problem, when I go to put in a link, it extends it onto that URL. I don't know how to link out from the forum. But then investigating the problem a little, I go here: And sure enough, all the links are on that site, like this one: Now, I'm thinking, sure I want to link out off the forum from the sidepanel, but it would be neat to have a page like is there for other links, or articles, or forum guidelines and such. And I don't know how to create such a page. So I have two questions: (1) How can I link off the sidepanel to someone else's site? and (2) How can I make a page of links or forum guidelines, such as is here?: Yours, Rus


  • I'd suggest you check out the page manager extension.
  •  Quote: rus bowden
    That 1.0.1 at the end of the URL is going to be a pain when you update, you'll have to update all the settings too.
  • Thanks, Minisweeper. I have added that extension, and am messing with it now, to see what I can do with it. Hi Wanderer: Thanks. I don't know how to do it any other way. When I installed Vanilla, the installation created its own address with the 1.0.1 on it. What I did to make things easier for people clicking in, is to allow to reroute there. Thanks again.
  • edited December 2006
    just rename the folder, then go through all the /conf files and change it, and some extensions need changing also... Name it /Vanilla or /Community or something intelligent lol
  • Very cool. Thank you, Waterskiaddict. That'll be for another day for me. I just made a tab.
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