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Changing servers

edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am changing servers. I've read a few of the threads about this, and after changing a few things, have still come up short. I changed all the paths in the conf/settings.php file and after doing that I got a Fatal Non-recoverable Error: The error occurred on or near: Access denied for user 'zollrcom_dbo1733'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I tried to change things in the conf/database.php but to no avail. Any thoughts or suggestions? Please...? :)


    edited December 2006
    That means that it can't access the database with your current username and password. Either the username is wrong or the password is... or of course both ;)
  • Okay, I got that fixed, but now it says:

    Error Message
    Failed to connect to the "zollrcom_db173353372" database.
    Affected Elements

    For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:

    More great thoughts? Sorry, I asked for a PHP & MySQL book for Christmas.... :)
  • That means your mysql database connection details dont have permission to connect to your database I believe...
  • Thanks. That actually helped me realize my mistake. It's all good.
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