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nice forum

reapreap New
edited December 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
good stuff


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • reapreap New
    edited December 2006
    hahahah sorry I edited my original post because it was an error I made and posted looking for a solution....I deleted an extension dir without turning it off uh I just added fluff here instead
  • Mark, Nice Forum and I am not kidding! I love the way that it is easy to customize and add extensions and the control that you have as an Admin over each step of the way. Although there are many things that are just different than the standard php and asp forums so many things are better. Simple but yet powerful. Great Job! Thank You for providing this wonderful program for us all. Thanks are in order for all your hard work continuing to support it even after giving it away. Please do not think that this has gone unnoticed even by novices like myself!!! Happy Holidays!
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